kc The drudgeries of life: June 2008 The drudgeries of life: June 2008

The drudgeries of life

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back to square one

The rigor has begun!
And 3 days with sleep tending to zilch is something totally different! It's not that I can't stand nightouts... I feel quite fresh and active right now. What's driving me nuts is that this will go on for the entire week, or, worse still, month!! I better take a nap before the 5:30 AM yoga session :S Life at Infy was so comfortable that I had forgotten all that I was capable of, my stamina, nightouts! Took me just one day at college to switch gears. Yep, I'm back to square one yet again, and I'm so not complaining ;)

I read a lot about it but the real thing needs to be witnessed first hand to appreciate it! I'm falling in love with IMT Ghaziabad and everything about the place, despite the "torture" :D More when I have the time... Nighty night!

P.S.: Yes, I'm back again :p

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