kc The drudgeries of life: April 2014 The drudgeries of life: April 2014

The drudgeries of life

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Random recommendation

Ages ago, someone on FB had shared a gentleman's post about how him and his wife had taken a rather bold (not to mention unusually unorthodox!) step and ensured that there was no religion column on their son's birth certificate - they wanted their kid to choose a religion for himself when he grew older! Till that time, I'm not sure many folks (if any at all) would've thought of exercising such an option. Aalif and Aditi, on the other hand, made news by doing things differently. 
Irrespective of the pros, cons, myriad repercussions and challenges of this decision (and they're bound to be many, surely!), it was an impressive one and I became a fan of this couple. I've been following Aalif's blog for quite some time now, and his posts are quite delightful and often touching, one such being the one he published yesterday: http://superaalifragilistic.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/healing-dad/
JLT. Happy reading.

posted by Smartalec at 12:06 AM 1 comments
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