kc The drudgeries of life: Final Letters - 2010 The drudgeries of life: Final Letters - 2010

The drudgeries of life

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Letters - 2010

Dearest M, D & S,
Happy now?! :)
Don't know about you folks, but I toh am! :)

Dear AC, SP, MP et al,
As promised, I'm coming! F-awesome!!! :D

Dear AS, PB and SR, 
Thanks a bunch :)

Dear VK and VT,
Will miss our MT bakar :((
Hang in there!

Dear SG,
It's been what, over two years?! Must meet :)

Dear HK,
Sooo happy for you! No matter how busy you are, mademoiselle, one Sunday of yours in 2011 is mine ;)

Dear AS, TM and GJ,
So long, roomies... take care of Uncle :p

Dear Megz,
Life is cruel, kid... I know exactly what you're going through. 
Wish I could explain it to you, but I've been lost for words for quite some time now...
You'll survive :)

Emotional Atyachar,
I have never seen a single episode of yours, but someone told me that people's lives are being prevented from heading towards eventual doom, courtesy your ilk...
Keep exposing!

Dear Dehli Winters,
You're way too cool *brrr*
Be it the bike rides on your chilly nights; the long walks at ungodly hours through the fog; those late night cuppa noodles and hot chocolate sessions; the early mornings spent inside the blanket refusing to wake up for either placement drills, classes or office; or that warm sunny afternoon spent on the lawns of one Heritage site... loved it all... :)

I hate you!! Or make that 'doing you'?! :D

Dear JY and RY,
Sorry for thinking that you were wrong all along, and for typecasting you two as typical specimens of your clan. My bad. Can't blame you a bit for your mindset... 
Loads of good luck!

Dear dc,
I know it's you all along (and you know that I know), but why do you have to Google search for me at all?!

Dearest Pune,
Here I come! :)))))

Dear 2010,
You shouldn't have ever happened... but you just did! Sighs

Dear 2011,
Come fast! And override your predecessor...

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posted by Smartalec at 2:01 AM
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