kc The drudgeries of life: 21!! The drudgeries of life: 21!!

The drudgeries of life

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There was a time when, during the DA-IICT days, a few of us would wake up at as early as 5 AM for running 10 or more rounds around the huge cricket field! This in addition to the late evening workout sessions at the gym. 
The DA-IICT marathon was the first of my life... and though I ended up with the sixth rank, it was a miserable race.

Then came the Pune days... running was always on the agenda (and for me, it usually remained there only :p) courtesy Arjun boss!
And when we ran in the Pune Marathon, it was a chilled out affair with more masti than running... completing the run happened matter-of-factly.

Then came this year's Delhi Half Marathon... 21 kms on the 21st of November, 2010, anyone?
Just for the heck of it, three of us dudes signed up for the same, way back in September.
At this point of time, I'd like to mention that I have always prided myself on being a fitness freak, but never ever have I considered myself a runner... All I wanted to do was to test my crazy stamina.
Nonetheless we planned to run like crazy for 2 months, and be well prepared in time for the big day!

Then all hell broke loose. Screwed up life, long hours at work, loads of traveling, relentless sleepiness yada yada. 
Voila! Come judgement day, I had managed only 2 practice runs (pathetic by any standards) despite some serious advice from my ex-boss (a pro-runner himself).
Now I really needed to stick to what he had said: "Focus on completing the race... not on completing in 3 hours!"
And seriously, the timing certificate was the last thing on my mind on the eve of the run... when, in our posh hotel room, the guys were joking about each of us lying spread-eagle fashion in the middle of the track, with each of our bibs containing the contact details of the other two unconscious guys, I seriously envisioned myself as da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, personified! :p

Come 21st November, and we were in high spirits!
Seeing the 30000 strong crowd all set for a loong run at 7 on this cold morning worked wonders for my confidence. 
Not to mention the huge turnout of senior citizens and women! Respect!!

At 07:30:00, the gate opened. And the people poured out like water that has just been released from the dam gates!
The next 21 kms ensured the run of a lifetime!
Veterans running like fit youngsters, and egging us on (talk about budhaape me jawaani \m/); friendly strangers dotting the periphery of the entire 21 kms long race track, whose cheerful smiles and words of motivation felt like a shot in the arm; the Kenyan and Ethiopian runners who were on their way back crossing the 15 kms milestone after 40 minutes when we we reached the 5 kms mark (WOAH!); the way some participants cheered everyone else up (it's a marathon for gawd's sake, not a funeral procession, you guys... buck up!!); the beautiful stretch in the road between India Gate and Rashtrapati Bhavan (Raj Path, anyone); Khurana and I running at the constant pace of about 9.5 kmph for the initial14 kms; the final stretch; the setting in of fatigue; Lucozade zindabad; the loong kilometers; the glimpse of the digital clock; 02:15:45; the increased speed; 02:15:50; the longest yard; running with head and both hands (\m/ \m/) pointed upwards;  02:15:56; cameras going *click* *click* *click*; then it's over! 


Later I was to discover that Khurana timed 02:11:00 and Anand, 02:42:00. Yep, we finished it in style!
Khurana and I fretted over not having any idea of the time earlier, else we'd have tried for under 2 hours. LoL

Anyway it was mindgame from the start. Running always is. You need to keep finding reasons for sticking to it, and for keeping yourself motivated.
Right now, I'm totally proud of this achievement, and can't help bragging about it... even the bosses back at office were awe-struck ("What you've achieved is one of the 10 things to do before dying", said PB sir :D ) 

It's another matter that once the marathon ended, the sudden lack of activity has caused both my feet to protest vehemently. So much so that any sort of movement seems to invite excruciating pain. Inertia of rest, ahoy! Ouchhh. Even 17 straight hours of sleep didn't help :(

In the meantime, the elite gang of treasure hunters of which I'm a part achieved greatness by bagging a top #10 spot in the baap of online t-hunts, Klueless 6! Way to go, fellas... you rock \m/

Palindrome number for the symmetry lover ;)

On an ending note:
 Registration fee - Rs. 600;
          Hotel bill - Rs. 6000; (divided 3 ways, of course :p)
Jogging gear - Rs. 3900;
Month's supply of health(y) food and what not - Rs. 2800;
Finishing the Delhi Half Marathon in 2 hours & 16 minutes - Priceless! \m

Back to the grind for now! Keep up the pace in life, folks :)

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posted by Smartalec at 3:44 AM
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