kc The drudgeries of life: Tuesday's gone :) The drudgeries of life: Tuesday's gone :)

The drudgeries of life

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday's gone :)

How appropriate for people to converge in on my life and for things to happen as they did, so as to convince me into restoring my blog before it's too late... and to ensure, unwittingly of course, that the post title is damn appropriate!

Like Metallica put it: Train roll on, on down the line... won't you please take me far, far away...

2010 was a crazy year! It started off well, or so I thought... and then came a time when I couldn't wait for it to end.
Something like witnessing a beautiful landscape at night and wanting to capture it on camera just the way it is, no matter how difficult the task... and then after repeated attempts and numerous blurred images in the memory card, giving up seems to be the best option. Running out of patience is an eventuality.
If a picture has to come out well, it will in the first dozen attempts... nature doesn't conspire against you when you truly want something to happen :)
Like Mourya put it so beautifully, "what has to work out will work out... there's no use trying to make compromises just to hold on to certain things." You said it, girl!

All of this reminds me, I need to summarize 2010 in words... so much happened in those 365 days. Sighs! 
I know that 2011 is just another number that started off a dozen days ago (going by a rule scripted by an ancient Pope), but kudos to the human psyche for making the optimum use of such idiocies...
Believe it or not, I can notice the difference! Remember how we react when, after being blindfolded for a while, the blindfold is suddenly whisked off our eyes? We tend to keep our eyes shut tightly... the brightness is too much to bear... the darkness will do for a while. Then when we slowly get used to the light, normalcy ahoy...
2010 took away with it the blindfold. No more, please... I'm as sensitive as my drowsy eyes are...

As has been the case for the past month: It's a damn cold night... I'm trying to figure out this life...
Meanwhile I'm trying to maintain that much need work life balance! Go go go!
Lots to catch up on... 
Happy 2011, everyone! Have a fantabulous year :)

P.S.: A wonderful read on leaving what should be left! 2010 from Desi's perspective... struck a chord! 

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posted by Smartalec at 3:51 AM
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