The drudgeries of life
Friday, June 29, 2007
Guten Tag - 8 random facts/habits
This tag I received from Sur, someone who has known me for over a decade... someone who, I thought, of all people knew that I am an open book. Well her passing on the baton to me seems to suggest otherwise :p Anyway, here goes nothing:
My most cherished activity is working out. Period. Ok, there are many other things that I love doing but nothing comes close to sweating it out at the gym. No, I don't aspire to be like Ronnie Coleman or Arnie, but yes I yearn to be fit and fine.
The passion was ignited with dad's being behind my back all the time with dumbbells, push-ups, etc. (I was really thin at one time... my pants rather than falling off used to climb up above my navel! Damn embarrassing it was at that time but now I look back at those times and laugh myself crazy :) ) The craze caught steam at college... never looked back since! Agreed that I was just average at studies during my 4 years at college, but if someone asks me whether I did anything worthwhile at college, I'd surely talk about gymming!
I still follow a strict regimen at the sexy company gym under the guidance of able instructors and boy! Lethargic though I feel before entering the gym, I feel like a new person every time I walk out! Timing again has been perfect... don't know how much time people find for themselves this way when they're committed (to work or otherwise :D)
Just one point down and seems like I've typed out pages of History :O
I'm highly nostalgic and it doesn't take much to trigger off my reminiscing the good ol' days. I find it difficult, impossible at times, to let go of the past. I enjoy the company of nostalgic folks and I take great pleasure it taking a long walk down memory lane with them. Old clothes, books, cards, smses, mails, even scraps of paper from the school days, try as I may, I just can't dispose of them. I love writing in my diary (something that I've been sticking to assiduously this year) and my favorite timepass, when spending a day at home, is reading old entires. I'm one helluva nostalgia freak, people. Anyone joining the bandwagon?
I have a sweet tooth. Nah make that a sweet jaw (something that I realized when chatting with a friend)! Dessert is the part of any meal which I eagerly and impatiently look forward to. Be it chocolates, cookies, cakes, pastries, icecreams, sweet curd, sweets of any kind, I always have room for more! Disparaging remarks like Piiiiiiiiig will have no effect, I'm sorry to say! The funny part is that since my childhood, I relish such stuff and rather than gobbling everything down at one go, I nibble at it for ages and ages... something that I believed would make the delicacy last forever. Also, I hate sharing my dessert or sweet dish or chocolates with people (save for a select few)... a fact which some unfortunate souls realized the hard way!
Addictions and I get along very well. At any point of time, I'm bound to be addicted to something or the other. None of these addictions is life-threatening, and none will be responsible for any terminal illness that I might be diagnosed with later in life, but from what I had heard, my ex-addiction of consuming pack after pack of Polo could've lead to impotency! So yes, I manage to get rid of addictions pretty fast depending on how adversely they might affect my well-being.
I flirt excessively! Ahem that might've sounded like a confession, someone crying out for forgiveness even! But hell no, I'm just stating another one of my quirks. Be it at office, on the campus, at the canteen, at the society, over the phone, via smses or mails, while chatting, you can catch me in the act! I was this shy, simple, silent, studious guy back at school who spoke to a handful of girls (ask Sur, or any classmate of mine for that matter)... I have no idea when or how this change came to happen, but seems to be suiting me fine :p
I have a very bad memory... worse than a RAM it is! I forget names in a jiffy; I meet loads of people every week, and the moment I shake their hand and let go of it, my brain is done remembering their name (well the retention power works slightly better when it comes to remembering the name of ladies!) I see so many familiar faces each day, and I guess I miss a lot of them too (no wonder when I fail to acknowledge someone who's giving me a charming smile, the person scowls menacingly next time onwards... if I remember the countenance, that is)... I'm pretty much embarrassed to ask their names again because, well, I'm sure to forget it pronto! So I have this queer habit of jotting down names.
I never seem to remember dates either! Wonder how many friends and relatives are pissed off with me for having forgotten their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Sighs
I love making a bakra out of people, especially my poor friends. No, not for deriving sadistic pleasure but for the sake of pure, unadultrated fun. Pulling someone's leg just for the heck of it is something that I became a pro at during the college years. I'm afraid that there is no particular time when I'm 100% serious... unless when I'm depressed as hell, ofcourse. I like laughing a lot and I always enjoy it when people around me are cheerful and happy too. That said, I can't stand being made the bakra... maybe I'm a sore loser, but if you made a fool of me, I'll plot and plan and see to it that you suffer much worse. How's that for a confession? So, better watch out on who you play your next prank on...
Last (Phew! I'm exhausted!), I value the people in my life a lot more than my life. My parents and sister are my best friends, and though I spend hardly a couple of weeks every year with them, I love them like hell! My friends... can't imagine life without them too. Good times or bad times, whether they've caused joy or sorrow, irrespective of whether they've hurt me or helped me rise from the dumps, the lot of my pals and buddies and chums will always be an asset. Relatives... despised many of them earlier but now I realize that I like, if not love, most of them too.
There, I'm done! Funny though that when I started typing out this post, I felt that there was nothing to be said... now I'm left with many more things that'll have to wait till I'm tagged again! Now the fun part... passing on the baton *rubbing hands in glee*! I pass on this tag to Gee, Desi, VK, Sarat, Naresh, Jen, Ankit and DC. Really looking forward to reading about you all, so don't disappoint :)
The rules are as follows:
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
4. If you fail to do this within eight hours, you will not reach Third Series or attain your most precious goals for at least two more lifetimes
I'm too lazy to carry out point 3, and point 4 was not my idea but let it be just for the heck of it (some people might just get intimidated and reply fast:p)
A verbose me is off to enjoy a nice weekend. Happy weekend, all!
P.S. Will correct the typos (they're bound to be in dozens) later.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Comfortably numb
A day spent re-reading old smses, playing back old recordings, hungrily taking in the content of old mails sticking onto each and every word as if you just received it... snapping back to reality, giggling and laughing while sighing at the same time, reframing old deals, extending expired promises... reliving the past, surviving the present and contemplating the future, all in one breath!
Next day... spending time together, lost in a crowd. Ironical? Isn't life one helluva big irony?
Day after that... another of the mock tests (have lost count of how many of those I've written till date:O) but no longer does the sitting affect my senses; I was actually laughing after the screwing! Losing grip.
How wonderfully lyrics can capture the essence of different situations. PF, for instance, in their song Coming back to life left nothing to be said:
Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life
Everyone everywhere is in some way suffering with, or at least affected by, this thing called love. No names here... you're free to generalize :p
And that's not all. People are influenced by other's moods, habits, behavior, etc.
When you think of it, there are so many things in this world to indulge in... there's no end to the list!
I've become incoherent, random, loquacious, and my posts resemble some moron's gospel (:D), is it?! Certain people are to be blamed for that, but I hardly have any doubts that they'd not register any complaints!
Luckily it has started to rain like crazy here. Getting wet almost daily in the downpour! Which reminds me I need to escape the showers today... See you all! Love ya guys heaps :D
Monday, June 18, 2007
Changing times
Everything was going fine and WHAM! Depression sets in!
It probably has something to do with my registering for the TIME mock CAT series... yet again... for the third time in a row! God almighty, do I feel old or what!!
No, maybe it is the constant pitter patter of the rain... had it been a downpour, it would've been different, but it's just drizzling! And the skies are overcast, it's dark and gloomy even at 4 in the noon!
The irritating flies are moving in; the construction work next door seems to be on 24 hours; the streets are muddy and having strategically placed puddles; remaining indoors feels suffocating!
On top of it all, people seem to take sadistic pleasure in making you realize your mistakes! Oh well, what good is a cup of stale tea without a dead fly in it:p?!
Danny Ocean and his gang provided the only cheerful moments over the weekend while Jack Sparrow and his crew disappointed a bit!
Roger Waters, Anthony Kiedis, Chris Martin, Bono... the voices that would've cheered me up otherwise seem to add to the depression :(
Lack of entertainment and bakar, deficit in terms of good work, stupid delays, once again the horror of the never-ending "to do" list, deadlines, idiotic headlines, so on and so forth!
Why is life so messy at times?
Labels: Frustration, Rain, Sigh
Monday, June 11, 2007
If I weren't as enervated as I am now, I would've definitely posted about the whole adventure, from the starting till the very end. But that'll have to wait for a couple of days! But just to give you a gist of how my weekend was spent, we travelled for over 16 hours by bus; trekked, mountain-climbed, scaled treacherous and steep paths without any safety harness whatsoever; walked in the clouds, literally; enjoyed the tasty food provided by the organisers of the trek, and surviving on biscuits and polos in between meals; guzzling down the hill water (yep there were ancient water tanks there with crystal clear water) which was purer than the water we get at our place :O; spent the night in a cave on the ledge of the hill (awesome!!); etc. etc. etc.
The trip was an out-of-this-world sort of an experience. Tiring as hell, but you tend to forget everything when you come face to face with mother nature's exquisite beauty! The organisers, a group of guys and gals, who go by the name of Trek'di, did a wonderful job! They'll be on the next post but still if you want to know more about them, visit them at
This was a totally different way of spending the weekends which we are so used to spending at the malls or at the multiplexes or even on our beds! Getting awy from the hustle-bustle of the city felt good as did doing away with the cell for a while and not being bugged by the perennial telephone calls!
Pics? Yes, we snapped lots of them but they seriously can't capture what we've been through. Anyway, here are some of the snaps:

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Oh how I loved the sound of this sentence when I was little. Be it chow-time or bedtime, a story had to be narrated by mom, else all hell would break loose! And happy endings seemed to be mandatory... hence the relevance of that line to make sure that baby Steve doesn't make a fuss!
Growing up is such a difficult experience (for some) mainly because you have to adapt yourself to so many changes... and one of the toughest phases you go through is that of letting go of certain things you had come to believe, coming to terms with reality and in a way, start all over again. Not everyone or everything is sugar candy, your life is not a fairytale, nothing comes easy, things are meant to be learnt the hard way, and Murphy's laws have been tailor-made for you.
Do I sound cynical? Maybe, but it is so unlike me. I am quite an optimist, even a romantic now and then, and even these traits can be attributed to the course my life has taken and how I've been moulded by life's gentle touch at times and harsh nudge at other instances. But like a friend was telling me, it's strange how others' lives influence you so much that you can't help but get affected... and you begin to think, maybe And they lived happily ever after... is nothing but a cliche, a dissemblance, fool's paradise:p, purporting the real fact to ease the growing up process! Maybe the flaw is the ever after part... couldn't it have been restricted to people living happily? I guess the person who penned down the line was a super optimist... and stupid though it may sound, I believe... *sighs*
Wasn't planning to post but it happened... rains might be a welcome change after the sultry summer, but when the showers ensure that you're stranded at the workplace, you just wish for a starry night! To be fickleminded is human... disabuse me if I am wrong!
Labels: Life, Realization, Sigh