kc The drudgeries of life: Emosional atyachar The drudgeries of life: Emosional atyachar

The drudgeries of life

Friday, September 24, 2010

Emosional atyachar

Sadness is...
... standing one step behind that lonely octagenarian who somehow managed to stumble aboard the escalator, and noticing his quivering hands, the trembling of which increased as the time to step off the moving stairs came closer.

Happiness is...
... climbing that one step to be on the same level as the old gentleman, stretching out my left hand without saying a word, and his reaching out to hold it as if it was the most natural thing to do; then our stepping off the escalator in style, and his kind words, "God bless you, my son." 
If only, sir.


Sadness is...
... standing on the platform, outside the recently closed doors of the metro, staring through the glass window at you, both of us smiling at each other despite the knot in our respective throats, dreading this moment of separation that both of us had seen coming since so long. Damn! I'll miss you like crazy... and I know that you will too :'(

Happiness is...
... knowing that you were there for me when I needed a pillar of support, taking it for granted that you're there, that you'll always be there for me, and despite all my stupidities in the recent past, it's not too late for me to make amends. I'm going to be following your lead... soon... very soon :)


Sadness is...
... missing my parents, sister, and home!

Happiness is...
... not letting the distance get the better of anything :)


Sadness is...
... not knowing what went wrong, what my fault was, why the indifference, yet my having to bear the hurt and the artificial guilt...

Happiness is...
... not giving a damn... and coming back to life!


Sadness is...
... those countless nights spent at our favorite hangout mulling over life, discussing why shit happens, questioning that supreme being as to why am I His favorite candidate for playing the role of popat for life!

Happiness is...
... those countless other nights spent at our other haunts, getting drowned in awesome music, head-banging, dancing, discussing about crazy shit, laughing our guts out, experiencing euphoria, not wanting to leave, racing through those awesome streets, zipping past those beautiful lights, feeling the tight slaps of the wind along with the deathly thrill, and spending the nights talking about how life has been a bitch yet how we've managed to survive it all ;)


posted by Smartalec at 10:38 PM
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