kc The drudgeries of life: Good deed for that day :) The drudgeries of life: Good deed for that day :)

The drudgeries of life

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good deed for that day :)

The tone in which you asked me "Steve, would you like to see my place?" reeked of lonesomeness.
It was pretty late, and I had other plans, but I knew that my paying you a visit would mean the world to you. I tagged along.
Your place is awesome, really. But then for one person, it's a bit huge. Anyway, when you're living alone, any place, irrespective of its dimensions would fit that bill...
Unwittingly, you let your feelings loose... damn, it was depressing. Deja vu of sorts.
To hell with plans, I said to myself... all that fun fun fun does give me the feeling that I'm running away from something (even though I ain't).
While spending time with you, talking about this and that, bitching about stuff, it was funny how our fast-paced lives slowed down yesterday evening. 
I know it was a rushed affair nonetheless, but what the heck. We'll keep some evenings reserved for applying the brakes on life like this...
It was nothing special, but I could make out that you enjoyed the evening... believe me, I enjoyed it even more!
In the short while that I've known you, you've become a very good friend of mine... It's funny how I manage to run into such nice people at the wrong places :)
Hope everything works out well for you, mate! Cheers!!

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posted by Smartalec at 12:28 PM
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:D. Keep writing.

7/14/2010 2:32 PM  

sure chirag! :)

7/14/2010 7:13 PM  

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