kc The drudgeries of life: Weekend Blues The drudgeries of life: Weekend Blues

The drudgeries of life

Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekend Blues

This might've sounded like Garfield's take on the first working day of the week, but it isn't! I hold an entirely different opinion about Mondays. In the words of the Frenchmen, "J'aime le jour de Lundi"!!
I'm tired and I have good reason for it! Of late, weekends seem to be the stress inducers instead of being the stress busters!
Not long ago, we used to look forward to Saturdays and Sundays, the countdown for the weekend being the sole purpose of surviving the gruelling weekdays! The scenario has changed drastically these days! Weekends now seem to be more hectic than the normal weekdays! Take the last couple of days for instance...
Anurag's birthday party on Saturday, hosted at a posh hotel, was the perfect way to enjoy the evening. Lots of fun and frolic, leg-pulling, good food, a couple of shots of Vodka, and a very happy ending in the form of the bill amounting to 4K! LoL! Yes, it was worth every moment! Felt good to know that I had the same control over my senses which I used to have back at college, and felt as sober as a teetotaler by the time I reached home after a long drive!
Sunday was very hectic! Caught the matinee show of Spiderman 3 and though everyone has been criticising the movie, I liked it! Okay so it was lengthier (it is almost 2.5 hours long) than its prequels and had it's share of melodrama, but then the story has been dealt with fine enough! Girls can't stop gushing over James Franco, so our super-hero has to find solace in all the attention the kids have to offer! Kirsten Dunst... pretty in a typical way but I somehow don't like her much! Bryce Howard... yeah! Now she's a babe! Ahem! Anyway, all I want to say is that if you're keeping great expectations after watching the promos and trailers, please don't! I'm no sadist to spoil the fun by narrating the story here... and there's a lot to describe anyway:p So do let me know how you guys felt about the flick!
Went shopping in the blazing heat and planned to alter the decor of our room in the evening! But that was not to be! Ever heard of those doors with self-locking mechanism which when locked cannot be opened from the outside unless you have the key? Well, Anand and my room has exactly that kind of a door... and just when we were ready to call it a day and turn in, we found that the door was locked and we had no key! Me and my roomie found ourselves roomless! Greattt! Inspired by all those novels I've read, I tried to pick the lock but it seemed to have too many levers and I gave up after an hour! My elderly landlord had gone to bed and he lived 10 miles away, so save for the option of breaking down the door, the task I was in the mood to undertake, we had no other choice!
Anyway, frustrated though we were, the locked room saw all 6 of us flatmates having a wonderful bakar session in Arjun and Ankur's room! This was something which we hadn't done for ages... always some of the guys used to be missing! We talked about and laughed over incidents from college, discussed crushes, and this went on till past 1 AM! Wow! And we all are early sleepers!

Come Monday, we got the room keys from our landlord, unlocked the door, cleant up and beautified the room, and left for office after 1 in the afternoon! Not much work except for a status call at about 10 PM :( So spent the whole day going through a compensation review document and working out how much extra moolah we're in for:D!

Anyway, a lot has been happening recently and not all of it is sexy, but even though I curse and fret in the heat of the moment, in the end I tend to accept my Mom's standard line, "Everything happens for the best" :)

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posted by Smartalec at 2:47 PM
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5/07/2007 7:13 PM  

J'aime le jour de Lundi

reminded me of first sems when i had to literally fight with the language to get the bare minimum pass marks
oh it has been an hectic day from your post!

5/08/2007 7:53 AM  

mommies are always right!

how can you stand boozing...i wanna get sloshed someday but i puke just smelling alcohol...uff :(

5/08/2007 8:24 PM  

look who's talking... the punctual one:p
waise bhi i had good reason for being late...

what happened to shayon?!
anyway, u had french as a subject! cool!

u're telling me.. i'm a mumma's boy!
lol! good for u, i'd say! dont get addicted to it... i ain't addicted but once in a blue moon, i permit myself! anyway life is full of nasha without drinks anyway;)

5/09/2007 8:58 PM  

onu's bday bash shud b grand enuff, king size 4k is too less...:)
bakar sessions, i shud have been thr too buddy :)

5/10/2007 9:33 AM  

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