kc The drudgeries of life: October 2007 The drudgeries of life: October 2007

The drudgeries of life

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Out of the blue

I hadn't planned to post for a long time, but I guess I couldn't stay away.
I've been very busy... busy studying (or atleast pretending to do that), busy filling up countless forms (Oh! The amount of money I've invested (euphemistically speaking)), busy at work, busy with training sessions... did I mention studies?!
The month of October came and went in a jiffy... if it weren't for some days and some events, I wouldn't have believed that the month actually happened!
One thing I can't stop gushing about is that I celebrated my 23rd birthday in style. So much for missing the birthdays celebrated at college or back at home. Also, the qualms about old age setting in were forgotten for once... I didn't get time to bother about anything at all. Festivities started off with the arrival of 2 packages - one containing a totally unexpected and beautiful gift and a enlightening (ahem:p) card from someone who is globe-trotting, and another one loaded with goodies, letters and cards from the parents and my li'l sis - and the excitement didn't seem to die down after that!
A grand surprise from my colleagues at work was the clincher. Imagine blowing out a candle and cutting a huge black-forrest cake while a 30-odd people strong crowd is singing and cheering on :D And then the cake-smearing ceremony *ewwwww* Got to admit thought that never has my face looked so fair :p Finally, the dudes let their feet speak when they kicked the living daylights out of me *ouch* Little do they know that I shall have my revenge :p Then the gift and A-rated card from the teammates!
Didn't do one penny's worth of work the entire day, that day. Got calls from numerous people, relatives, friends, etc. Talked to people I haven't spoken to in ages, so thank God for birthdays!
The evening was fun... the gang of us 6 roommates at one of our usual hangouts on such occasions, feating on good food, raising a toast with a glass of Antiquity (sorry Mom!) and having a wonderful time.

The hangover the next day was inevitable... no, the drinks weren't responsible... the previous day left me on a high, and everything returning to normalcy abruptly probably depressed me :p Yeh dil maange more!
Anyway, I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who made that day so special, and who unwittingly make this world such a beautiful place to live in! Love you all :D

I don't know when I'll post next but I'll try to make it in the near future. Hang in there, people! Keep posting!

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posted by Smartalec at 6:42 PM 7 comments
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness

How many times has it happened that when you're having a bad time with nothing going your way, life appearing to be a big mess and God seemingly displeased with only you, someone advises you, "Everything happens for the best" or maybe "Things could be worse"? There you go! That cheered you up, didn't it? There are some situations where you just can't apply the same logic.

I stood riveted to my spot, taking in those tiny, cheerful faces as they ran past me, shouting screaming, laughing. Someone tugged at my trouser, and I realized that it was one of the youngest kids in the lot, she must've been all of 2. She indicated that she wanted to be taken into my arms :) Awwww! Come here you! As soon as I lifted her, she clung on to me like she'd never let go... her tiny little hands tightly wrapped around my neck, her feet locked tight behind my back. I talked to her but she uttered not a single syllable... she remained motionless, her body tense, her face against my chest. I cradled her closer, rested by head against hers and closed my eyes for a couple of moments.
Things seemed to have quietened down a bit so I opened my eyes to find out why. And there were 4 tiny tots looking on, not enviously but expectantly, for their turn to be cradled. When I tried to let go of the child in my arms so as to lift one of the waiting children, she tightened her hold. I felt so very sad...

I've seen happy children, I've been a happy child myself, I've grown up with happy kids. But what I was witnessing today was happiness of a totally different kind; happiness found in a place you thought it was least likely to be found; happiness not measured by the increment in salary or by the A grades in exams; it was the feeling of happiness at being loved.
I bore witness to a group of really happy children, children whose happiness is evanescent but is the most beautiful sight for the beholder; an intermittent happiness that would surely be a painful memory for the children. Their laughter, the giggling and all of it was infectious then, but somehow it all haunts me now...

How much we take things for granted! Oh! How we can crib about the silliest of things! When was the last time we felt sincerely happy, not for materialistic gains but for a more genuine reason? The 2 year olds I meet everyday at my society, though very friendly and talkitive, would scoff at the idea of being cradled in someone else's arms. I can't blame them for that... they have their parents to see to it that they're well cared for and are loved adequately. They can whinge, cry, fuss over things. They, being kids, and though they don't realize it, very lucky ones, are allowed to take things for granted. We, on the other hand, need to learn a lot of things from the group of kids I met today to be classified as grown-ups...

- After a day spent at the orphanage

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posted by Smartalec at 6:32 PM 4 comments
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I get the feeling I have the writer's block; but on second thought, I feel that I have such a lot to write about that I cannot seem to make up my mind as to what should the subject of my post be.
The past two weeks have been crazy! Everything was normal, by my standards, when the month of October began... ever since, nothing has been. And I thought that I had had enough of action for a long time!

Someone is not going to be with me for one whole month. I knew that for a long time but the attitude of living for the moment made me push that fact to the recesses of my mind. Just one month... big deal! Only on the night before the inevitable farewell did I realize how big a deal it was. If only I could have frozen those moments in time... Sigh! I couldn't let go... not that I was ever good at it. Oh well! The phone calls would have to suffice! Eagerly waiting for the 5th of November... and for you :)

As if one separation isn't enough, there was a second one. Life is deja vu over and over. Gone are the days when I could blame it on the dreams and get away with it! This time it is someone from far far away, someone I have never met yet who I hold very dear, going farther away for a month. The void is palpable, more so because of the abrupt change... abrupt even though I saw it coming... abrupt because I, for one, have the bad habit of taking things for granted... abrupt because of the last week frenzy and the consequent lull. Nothing makes sense, and I don't want it to. What matters is that it was and is beautiful and cherished, and shall remain like that *touch wood* This one is for you, silly kiddo :p

How true that you don't realize someone's true worth, how much that person means to you, until you get separated from them, even if for a short time.
Just when I thought that I could do with plenty of work, it has all slowed down to a trickle. Everyone else who i could chill out with is busy as hell, so there goes the idea of hanging out. Where do all the distractions vanish when you need them?! Damn you, Murphy :x

As of now, I've modified my routine to suit the present conditions. Hit the sack before 11 and get up at 5:30 AM. Unbelievable? Tell me about it. Just two days into it and I feel good... keeping my fingers crossed that I adhere to the sketchy timetable that I prepared for the next 5 weeks. Planning to take the entrance exams of all the b-schools... never was the desire to move on and do something worthwhile stronger!
Talking to old friends feels so good... I'm so looking forward to a reunion on a grand scale! What say, people, to one whole day of, among other things, unadultrated bakar and nostalgia to get drowned in?

See you around, folks! Keep your blogs, if not me, posted :p

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posted by Smartalec at 12:42 PM 9 comments
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Read between the names

Surprise! Another tag from Jen to drag me our of my slumber! Thanks buddy!

Here are the rules:

* You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged

My middle name is JAMES. Here I go...

J stands for Jealous Cat! Yep, I get jealous very easily. If I hold something very dear or if I feel that it belongs to me, I so cannot see anyone else in it's possession. Same goes for the poeple who are close to me... If I like/love someone a lot, I wish to have their undivided attention, I want them all to myself. Sounds suffocating? Maybe, but that's me.
I remember how jealous I used to feel when after 7 years of being the focus of my parents' attention, all of it, or atleast most of it, was showered on my little sis. There have been several other instances, but I've gotten away by taking advantage of the thin line between envy and jealousy. Anyway, over the years this trait has been transformed into a form of possessiveness, a change for the better I guess.
Hold on a minute, someone seems to be fidgeting around with my phone :p

A is for Ambivalent! As far back as I can remember, I have always had a difficult time making up mind. Making a choice, selecting one out of many, choosing the right one (even if that entails doing a Eenie Meanie Minie Moe to get done with it) et al are situations that I suck at!
In exams with multiple choice questions, I can't dare to mark the asnwers randomly... my luck is such that if there are 4 options and if I'm given 3 chances, I'll end up choosing the 3 incorrect answers :( Even when I narrow down the options to 2, I'll always mark the wrong one. Forgive this lame example... the upcoming CAT exam and the mock tests that I'm taking are taking their toll.
Now let me decide whether I should work or fool around!

M is for Mischievious!! Oh yes! People who know me will agree wholeheartedly on this one :p I just can't resist pulling other people's legs. It has got me into trouble at times, but nothing more. This habit has done wonders when it came to breaking the ice too. At college, and even at at work, quite a few strangers and formal folks came to become a part of a cherished friend circle after obviously being made the butt of a joke. For example, I became really good friends with someone thanks to a prank I was playing on a common friend :D And it's like the vampire thing... once you are made the "victim", you join forces with the "victimisers" in hunting down a new prey!

E implies Ever Nostalgic! Quite a known fact, this, about me. I am ever ready to take a walk down memory lane, and sigh truckloads while I'm at it :D. I maintain a diary, making an entry in it on a daily basis is one good habit that I can boast of :), and I so love to just go through old entries once in a while, to relive the days that seemingly flew by.
People might believe that I am categorically nostalgic, that I remember only the good things... it is true to a certain extent. For example, I would prefer to forget a major part of my life spent at school. Sad though that you tend to retain what you try hard to forget. But then like a friend once put it, "Not all nostalgia is pleasant". Ho hum.
One thing is for certain... I'm prone to be stuck in the moment.

S means Sentimental :( I read a post by a female friend who I met not so long ago on the blogosphere. In it, she mentions how the smallest of things can make her cry. Ahem. Well it doesn't take much to get me sentimental too. For those who say that boys don't cry, get real... not that I wail and sob, but at times I find my eyes welling up with tears, the reason could be a sad movie, a sad yet lovely novel, a farewell (I so hate these), terrible frustration, etc. I so don't believe in keeping your feelings to yourself, nay to pent up emotions. Not that you have to burst out in public but it's not fair to pretend as if nothing is wrong when something is bothering you from the inside!

There! That does it I guess! The above 5 traits definitely don't define me completely, and they're not all goody goody qualities either, but I guess you'll have to put up with me on these fronts :p. I'm not going to name 5 people who must reply to this tag... it's a good one, so anyone is free to take it up.

Sorry guy! I've been so irregular and I've received complaints that I haven't been reading/commenting at all... I will, I promise. But work seems to pop up just when you think you can make do without it :D Keep posting and happy blogging!


posted by Smartalec at 3:33 PM 5 comments
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