kc The drudgeries of life: Read between the names The drudgeries of life: Read between the names

The drudgeries of life

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Read between the names

Surprise! Another tag from Jen to drag me our of my slumber! Thanks buddy!

Here are the rules:

* You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged

My middle name is JAMES. Here I go...

J stands for Jealous Cat! Yep, I get jealous very easily. If I hold something very dear or if I feel that it belongs to me, I so cannot see anyone else in it's possession. Same goes for the poeple who are close to me... If I like/love someone a lot, I wish to have their undivided attention, I want them all to myself. Sounds suffocating? Maybe, but that's me.
I remember how jealous I used to feel when after 7 years of being the focus of my parents' attention, all of it, or atleast most of it, was showered on my little sis. There have been several other instances, but I've gotten away by taking advantage of the thin line between envy and jealousy. Anyway, over the years this trait has been transformed into a form of possessiveness, a change for the better I guess.
Hold on a minute, someone seems to be fidgeting around with my phone :p

A is for Ambivalent! As far back as I can remember, I have always had a difficult time making up mind. Making a choice, selecting one out of many, choosing the right one (even if that entails doing a Eenie Meanie Minie Moe to get done with it) et al are situations that I suck at!
In exams with multiple choice questions, I can't dare to mark the asnwers randomly... my luck is such that if there are 4 options and if I'm given 3 chances, I'll end up choosing the 3 incorrect answers :( Even when I narrow down the options to 2, I'll always mark the wrong one. Forgive this lame example... the upcoming CAT exam and the mock tests that I'm taking are taking their toll.
Now let me decide whether I should work or fool around!

M is for Mischievious!! Oh yes! People who know me will agree wholeheartedly on this one :p I just can't resist pulling other people's legs. It has got me into trouble at times, but nothing more. This habit has done wonders when it came to breaking the ice too. At college, and even at at work, quite a few strangers and formal folks came to become a part of a cherished friend circle after obviously being made the butt of a joke. For example, I became really good friends with someone thanks to a prank I was playing on a common friend :D And it's like the vampire thing... once you are made the "victim", you join forces with the "victimisers" in hunting down a new prey!

E implies Ever Nostalgic! Quite a known fact, this, about me. I am ever ready to take a walk down memory lane, and sigh truckloads while I'm at it :D. I maintain a diary, making an entry in it on a daily basis is one good habit that I can boast of :), and I so love to just go through old entries once in a while, to relive the days that seemingly flew by.
People might believe that I am categorically nostalgic, that I remember only the good things... it is true to a certain extent. For example, I would prefer to forget a major part of my life spent at school. Sad though that you tend to retain what you try hard to forget. But then like a friend once put it, "Not all nostalgia is pleasant". Ho hum.
One thing is for certain... I'm prone to be stuck in the moment.

S means Sentimental :( I read a post by a female friend who I met not so long ago on the blogosphere. In it, she mentions how the smallest of things can make her cry. Ahem. Well it doesn't take much to get me sentimental too. For those who say that boys don't cry, get real... not that I wail and sob, but at times I find my eyes welling up with tears, the reason could be a sad movie, a sad yet lovely novel, a farewell (I so hate these), terrible frustration, etc. I so don't believe in keeping your feelings to yourself, nay to pent up emotions. Not that you have to burst out in public but it's not fair to pretend as if nothing is wrong when something is bothering you from the inside!

There! That does it I guess! The above 5 traits definitely don't define me completely, and they're not all goody goody qualities either, but I guess you'll have to put up with me on these fronts :p. I'm not going to name 5 people who must reply to this tag... it's a good one, so anyone is free to take it up.

Sorry guy! I've been so irregular and I've received complaints that I haven't been reading/commenting at all... I will, I promise. But work seems to pop up just when you think you can make do without it :D Keep posting and happy blogging!


posted by Smartalec at 3:33 PM
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Nice to read those bro... I cud relate to each of those in u as I read thru... Though I am one of those angry tht u rnt posting regularly, you are lucky its calmed down for a moment thanks to this post of urs! :P

10/11/2007 3:08 AM  

yay steve! was happy to see u did the tag. :) awww sentimental, i love it when guys r unafraid to show or admit that, its truly special. too many guys like to act like nothing affects them, they think it shows strength but to me it shows fear. hmm i too can get jealous, i try and curb this habit but pops up sometimes despite my efforts. glad to see u back buddy, i love to read ur stuff!

10/11/2007 8:52 PM  

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10/12/2007 3:43 AM  

shivers! who am i to invoke the wrath of his highness, the king :p?!
i shall try to keep posting, mate!

thanks jen, for the tag and for the sweet words!
and i need to learn to be regular from you! girl, you're on fire :)

hmmmm where o where? :)

10/18/2007 9:55 PM  

Steve you are so good at pulling legs bey. You pulled some and stuck them to yours and then you grew to 6' 2". Great leg pulling man.

10/19/2007 4:45 AM  

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