kc The drudgeries of life: Happy Bad-day! :x The drudgeries of life: Happy Bad-day! :x

The drudgeries of life

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Bad-day! :x

I detest inefficiency and unwarranted changes to the core, and boy oh boy! Today they were served to me on a huge platter :x
My verbal diarrhea seldom surfaces... today it did! 
And I hardly, if ever, blow my top... today I did!
I'm glad you witnessed the trailer today, AD, you pathetic, good-for-nothing noob... because the real thing is gonna hit you soon, buster :x
Thank God for certain things which, and certain people who ensure that sanity prevails.

VK dude! I'm so depressed thinking of the pathetic mess that they made of your birthday, buddy... but I admire the way you keep smiling and take everything in your stride \m/
Hope the late night bhasad and cribbing served as a wonderful catharsis :P
Happy vappy birthday! Cheers!! :)

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posted by Smartalec at 1:04 AM
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