kc The drudgeries of life: High-Five-Five! The drudgeries of life: High-Five-Five!

The drudgeries of life

Friday, October 22, 2010


Dearest Dada,

I've been wracking my brain for the past two weeks, yet I seem to draw a blank!
It is so unlike me, but everything I come up with seems to be a repetition - a thought already typed out; an emotion already felt; a feeling already expressed; an adjective or an adverb already used; a blog post already published et al.
But when I think about it, I realize that it is because I've come to know you and understand you so very well, and love you and respect you so very much over the past 26 years... more than any son can probably aim to achieve out of the father-son relationship in a lifetime!
And now that we still have a major chunk of that lifetime lying in front of us, I smile to myself thinking of the wonderful happy times in store for this father-son duo!

It's a shock though to see time flying by at this crazy speed! 
I'd give anything to be able to go back to the past by simply rewinding the clock... especially because I seem to be aging with each passing year, while you (and Mumma) seem to be becoming younger with each passing day! Not fair :)
Also, not fair is the fact that you bag all the limelight in my photo albums :p
I wonder who coined the term "old man" for one's father... doesn't apply in my case, no sir!

Without further ado and minus any senti talk, on this 22nd day of October, 2010, I want to wish you a very very happy 55th birthday, Dandila! 
If you don't already know, you're the bestest dad in the whole wide universe of galaxies!
Needless to say, I'm the luckiest son on the surface of this planet! ;)

Loads of love, hugs and kisses,

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posted by Smartalec at 12:01 AM
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