The drudgeries of life
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hyderabad Blues!
It's amazing how some phone calls can be made in a jiffy, while before dialing some other numbers, you have to prepare yourself, dial the number 2-3 times, cut the call as soon as Dialing appears on the screen, again prepare yourself and then make the call!
Oh well! It's another thing that the preparation is of no use... ultimately you end up speaking impromptu :P
I made 4 phone calls (belonging to the latter category) today... 3 of them to dear friends whose respective marriages I wont be able to attend! Dammit!!
The way things are going, I'll never get to visit Hyderabad in this lifetime :(
Labels: Hyderabad Blues, Phone calls, Sad
I love you, Mumma... I'm sorry for everything!
Will definitely make you and Dada proud one day...
Labels: Apology
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Constants in my life...
Yesterday was the storm before the ultimate lull. Seriously so.
What fun we had. It was almost like that one moment before dying when you get to see your entire life in a flash.
It was nice :)
I always treasure the constants in my life... just that these constants keep changing!
Bidding farewell to Chandu today was a moment that I'd have liked to escape using fast-forward mode... it was terribly sad.
And I'm such a crybaby!
Ironical it was: someone was exiting these gates for the final time, and at the same time a newbie was walking in through the same gates for the first time to give an interview.
Life as we know it... :)
I copied truckloads of movies, serials et al telling myself that I'll make good use of my time.
I tried watching something... within two minutes, I hit the close icon. It'll take time...
Realization: my life is an open blog.
Enough of it, I guess. Goodbye.
Labels: Constants, Farewells, Variables
Friday, March 26, 2010
Not my day!
Way back in trimester 1, when she was a candidate for the post of class representative of B1, I hadn't voted for her... I didn't know her at all back then.
Then came the crazy BC project... oh! How we survived that :D
Dunno when we became friends. Soon she gave me the name Stevu (in sync with Apu, Sudu, Chandu, Kau et al :D)
Hahaha one common thing that we shared at that point in time was a dislike for Sulabh's constant leg-shaking!!!
I'll never forget those crazy Edumentor days... those early morning bike rides to Preet Vihar;her non-stop chitter-chatter on the way about so many things; the cribbing in between sales (?!) calls; the several meals at V3S mall...
Then came the late night chat sessions... those promises of having breakfast together, and my falling asleep 15 minutes before breakfast time :P
I seriously don't know when we became really good friends... our separate gang also comprised of Chandu, Apu, Sippu and Sud! Will always miss those loooong walks around the campus, the coffee at Muskan, the ice tea and hot chocolate at Nescafe, the endless bakar...
How or why I was renamed Stevzi still beats me :)
The last couple of months were so much fun... as usual, I realized that I make some of my best friends of college in the last semester/ trimester :)
The back-to-back parties on the last couple of days, that sentiyapa, the singing like crazy along with the guitar, definitely ensured that we ended things on a high!
Many people have told me that she is the female version of Steve Nipps... yep we're like twins!
Bidding farewell to this sweetheart of a person today totally sucked... but I can bank on her words when she said that we'll definitely stay in touch and meet up soon...
You'll be missed a lot, 08FT-053 :)
Spent the entire day down with a hangover...
Bid farewell to 5 people today! Talk about people leaving in bulk :O
Thank God for the little errands that I had to run... keeping a bit busy at such times helps :)
Plus some special addictions make life seem so easy to survive! ♥
Maybe it was the KF, but I was literally scared during the horror movie Shaapit :P
Someone's message made the movie seem like a dud... And my hatred for entrance exams intensified further :x
It's strange when a well-blended mixture of giving something your best, praying and, crossing toes and fingers doesn't work!
It sucks when people don't get what's so meant for them...
The mini-subdued party in my room offered a stark contrast to the parties we had had in the last 3 days :(
But I loved what followed: Chandu and I carried a bed sheet to the dew'd up football field, and simply sprawled down on the sheet!
Ahhhh! This is the life... no tension (at least not at that moment! :P), no bother in the world! I so love staring up at the dark night sky... there's such a lot up there yet there is nothing!
We discussed so many things about the Indian mindset, competitive exams, comparisons, jobs, the rat race, personal vs. professional lives, the coming generations, marriage et al...
2 years ago, a similar setting would've invoked topics related to gaming, chicks, flicks, bikes, cars, music, etc.
Damn how sad and old we've become :P
Only good thing about today was my receiving my brand new harddisk! Yippeee!!
Off to copy loads of stuff onto it! :)
Time to say TGIF!!!!
Good night!
Labels: 08FT-053, Bad day, Bad news, Discussions, Horror, Last minute, Party, Shaapit
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Us @ Guitar point!!
Tonight I lived a dream. A long cherished one.
Sitting at the guitar point with a bunch of close friends and singing, strumming away to glory! :)
Add to that the masti at A-top and sleeping on the roof under the clear blue sky, and that completed an awesome evening!
Sunita, Sud, Shail, Kumar, Rahul all are leaving tomorrow.
Anchit leaves the day after.
Then comes Chandu's turn!
The countdown to my becoming the last man standing has begun :D
I'll have just one pillar of strength remaining after that...
Oh well! Every night till the 28th is going to be a party night... anything to dull the pain!
What after that?! I seriously don't know.
Labels: A-lobby, A-top, Farewells, Guitar, Guitar point, IMT Ghaziabad, Party
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Yaaron :)
Today I realized what all was missing from life of late!
First of all, those long talks... today's conversation was like a flashback!
The list that follows is long! I so hate exams and what not for playing spoilsport :x
Previously we used to continuously discover how sme sme we are... but today crossed all limits!
How can someone dream the same dream that you dreamt, and, in it, feel the same emotions that you felt?!
I'm truly amazed :)
Couldn't see of my parents today :(
But I saw off a couple of good friends in the afternoon.
Every time I walk past their empty rooms with shut doors now, I can't help but wonder whether they're in there or whether they've gone for a wash!
Once I hit the door, and it sways away to reveal an empty room, devoid of all traces of occupation, I realize that they've really left for good...
Loved the visit to Delhi... standing at the 10th floor window of a building which was facing away from CP, I felt so nice!
The view was breathtaking, and I felt so in command for a few minutes :D
In the past 2 years, I had always awaited such a party!
I always had this dream of playing the guitar in one of our gang parties... today I did it!
And how awesome it was! Everyone was singing, I strummed like crazy (woohoo!), people got senti, and we had the time of our lives!
3 more days of this, and then it's all over....
Oh well! In the meantime, planning to party next at the Guitar Point @ A-lobby :)
Very sleepy, but very very happy too!
Hope this ephemeral happiness lasts...
Bye bye!
Labels: Conversations, Dreams, Farewells, Guitar, Happiness, Happy Endings, Party, People
Monday, March 22, 2010
Trying trying and trying to avoid this sinking feeling... it's hard being the last man standing!
All the people I love seem to be leaving me at the time when I need them the most :(
It's funny how I always wished that I'd be the last person to leave, who'd see off everyone and then take off himself... I really never know what I wish for, do I?! :P
When I didn't understand what was happening, I simply smiled.
I controlled myself yesterday. But I knew I couldn't keep that up for long...
Today Manish left and the feeling intensified...
Sid leaves tomorrow, Sunita the day-after, Chandu on the 28th, many more in between...
Add to that the crazy amount of travelling, the physical and mental fatigue, the dejection, Monday blues...
And I couldn't control my emotions any longer... A sincere apology to the awesome person who had to bear witness to the ugly side of me!
Just so that you know ji: There are very few people in front of whom I can afford to be myself... you're one of those unlucky few! Thanks for bearing with me... and for cheering me up :)
A mail from an aunt cheered me up... she quoted some text which was awesome. It went like this:
When you feel that God is ribbing you against the rocks, don't think that you ruin down to dust... it is just that he is polishing a gem.
Had a nostalgic evening with a close group of friends.
Kinda feeling relaxed now. Back to normalcy.
Long day tomorrow. After that a break of one week!
Labels: Dejection, Endings, Farewells, Monday, Nostalgia, Thinking
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Return to Innocence :)
Today felt like one of those many summer vacations of the yesteryears when our entire family used to visit different tourist destinations... only sad part was that the apple of all our eyes wasn't with us today :(
Today's Agra trip worked out pretty well... and I really felt like the little Appu who used to go walkie-walkie oucchiide with Dada and Mumma ♥
Despite the crazy heat, the parents and I had such a lovely time!
And it wasn't only me who was feeling a lot younger... Mumma as usual was her bubbly self :) Dada too for a change got into his masti mood!
Felt so awesome capturing these moments ♥
Oe oe! Kya jodi hai *whistles* :)

Child, Woman and Man :)
If only Dada too showed his teeth like Mom, Sweety and I do :D
Made for each other ♥
Awww shucks! Simply love this pic :)
Symmetry is what I see at a glance :)
The ending wasn't that great... Indian Railways truly sucks! But thank God nothing could dent such a wonderful outing!
Too bad I had to race back to college for a process tomorrow... have to be off to Gurgaon at 7 AM!!
Similar process the day after tomorrow :'(
What a life! Won't even be able to see of my folks on Tuesday *SIGH*
Back in college, roaming around the campus with the gang was fun... extra fun courtesy Sippu who donned that Monster mask and scared the living daylights out of many a people!!! Best part was his stroll through the library in that mask!!! LOL!
Anyway time to hit the sack... too tired! Physically and mentally exhausted.
Fingers crossed for the lack of any Monday blues!
Good night!
Labels: Agra, Childhood, Dada, Fun, Innocence, Mumma, Nostalgia, Taj Mahal
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Today went off like a dream... missed 2 people very very much at the convocation ceremony though!
My parents, uncle and aunt were present and that was so special.
The entire ceremony was awesome!
Seeing the pride in my parents' eyes was like the bestest thing in the world :')
The photo session, the tour around campus, doing crazy things... shucks! Loved it all ♥
But as soon as it got over, the campus emptied out like a bucket with a hole :|
Soon, I'll be one of the very few left here... must be strong! Already I have jittery knees :P
Taking a break for a few days!
Need to do lots of thinking... need to get a grip on myself, and on my life!
Happy weekend, folks!!
Labels: Convocation, Happiness, Happy Endings, IMT Ghaziabad
Full Stop.

I got to witness lots of commas, hyphens, semicolons, question marks, ellipses et al in the past 630 odd pages of this humongous chapter in the book of life.
But today is the page which carries the last full stop :)
Today is where this chapter ends... tomorrow a new chapter starts!
And as I have always done in the past, even this time round I have prayed for there being a continuity in the flow between the chapters... :)
I've gone through all the pages in this concluding chapter just once, yet they seem to be dog-eared already... strange, considering the fact that repeated usage is usually responsible for leaving such impressions!
Talk about spending more-than-enough time on each page... living each day to the max!
I'm carrying a mixed bag (not to mention overfull) of emotions right now... I'm afraid some emotions might just break loose today!
What the heck... the occasion calls for it :)
All said and done, today, the 20th day of March, 2010, belongs to us: IMT Ghaziabad - Class of 2010 :')
Quoting the juniors (and Pink Floyd!), Shine on you crazy diamonds!
P.S.: On a lighter note, I sure hope that Mr. Mallya brings along some of his assistants for the convocation :D
Labels: Class of 2010, Convocation, Full stop, Happy Endings, IMT Ghaziabad
Friday, March 19, 2010
Enough already!
Yesterday and today were totally jinxed. Or maybe I'm jinxed.
Talk about circle of influence. Everyone around me seems to have gotten engulfed in my bad luck :(
Be it the rejection; the crappiest of mails that was sent to someone by a psycho; the robbery; the last minute rush; missing out on a last group outing with friends; or the stupid slam(med) book (grrrr :x), everything reeked of sheer misfortune!
Desperately in search of a fast-forward button that would allow one to completely skip such days in life!
Till I find something like that, I'm steering clear of everyone...
Labels: Bad day, Jinx, Misfortune
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I thought...
I thought that I would have a present from them when I would surprise them early tomorrow morning at the railway station... it wasn't meant to be :'(
I thought that I was bound to receive a congratulatory call... but all that I got was a call :|
I thought that it was all about running the race well... but finishing in style matters more...
I thought that today I wouldn't be able to talk to someone with whom I can so easily share everything with, even my burdens... thank God I could! :)
I thought that everything happens for the best... somethings simply happen for the worst :x
I thought that the best things in life are reserved for good people... how come the worst things tag along too?! :(
I thought that I could never be in a murderous rage... why then do I have this craving for strangling someone?! :x
I thought that life would always be sweet and simple... it is, but not always...
Labels: Days, Thoughts
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What do I want?
What do others want?
What does the company visiting the campus tomorrow want?!
I was thinking that answering the above questions is just about impossible.
No one really knows what he/she really wants for himself/ herself... the list of wants is too huge to contemplate!
Then forget about knowing what others want :P
Maybe people think that they know what they want, but mostly they're being either ignorant or short-sighted... they usually put short-term objectives over long-term goals!
About what others want, we can just make a guess.
It's all a masquerade of emotions in some way or the other...
That said, weren't the makers of the movie What Women Want parochial in the truest sense of the world?!
Will someone please make a movie which answers the question What Does Everyone Want?!
I'm tired. Others' wants are too complex to decipher.
Henceforth I shall focus my thoughts on only what I want. Period.
Labels: Gibberish, Random, Wants
Mera popat ho gaya... as usual :|
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Some Dayzzz
Sleepy day!
Slept for over 10 hours... and for once, I managed to remember a dream... if only! :)
The discussion with Khemka over lunch about "hanging in there for a while" (especially crucial considering the fact that we've waited it out this long) and not losing confidence was something... matters much more now that our lobbies are empty, and just a few folks can be seen around campus :(
Must remember: No pain, no gain!!
Also a realization dawned that due to my frustration, I was making my parents suffer... totally unwittingly, but I knew that my sourpuss-ness might be rubbing off on them :(
So called them up when I was as I normally am... cheerful! :)
Partied with Punti, Rishabh and Jaggi... totally awesome time!
We guys had lotsa fun... I'm totally stuffed with imarti, samosas, garlic bread and pizza!
Was expecting a call the entire day today, and was so worried that it didn't come...
But thank God it came when I least expected it... avei happy happy :)
Time to clean out my closet... no wonder I'm feeling so tired :P
Plus the relaxed feeling after the cold water shower... time for some procrastination!
Off to bed in a while... jamming on the guitar like a maniac till then!!
And off to Delhi tomorrow... as usual, it has got me excited ;)
Waiting to meet my parents soon... will miss Sweety at the convo though :(
Good night!
Labels: Bakar, Days, Expectations, Party, Sleepy
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Maybe tomorrow!
Every dog has its day, or so goes the famous saying.
Today was my day. Well, almost.
But I want tomorrow, the 15th of March, 2010, to be my day as well. Badly.
I know that given a choice, I'd want each and every day of my life to be mine in the truest sense, but what'd be the fun then?!
Anyway, off to bed... long day tomorrow!
Praying for the absence of Monday blues!!!
Just realized that using needle and thread to sew up a button is probably the toughest task in the world :)
Good night!
Labels: Blues, Long day, Monday, Tomorrow, Wish
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Deja woohoo!!
There's something about Saturday the 13th and Puraani Dilli...
I was back at Nayii Sarak where I was roaming exactly one month ago! :)
There's something about Old Delhi that is so mesmerizing... despite it being dirty, crowded and flooded with tangled up wires all over the show, this place has a charm! ♥
That, and there are so many memories linked to this place!
How can I ever forget this place :)
After partying like crazy last night, a friend asked me whether I believed in destiny!
When I replied in the affirmative, the friend said "I dunno about the future but in 5 hours, you're destined to be accompany me to Nayii Sarak!"
When I said "Nooo wayyyy", the friend simply smiled...
And we partied till 6 AM!
But at 9 AM, I was seated in a Tavera with 2 friends enroute to Puraani Delhi... with over 330 books making up a total weight of over 100 kgs!!!
My stack of books versus Pritam's... damn did we study during MBA or what?! :P
One half of the books that we towed!!! Quite a handful :D
Had a wonderful time with all the bakar, the bargaining (as usual!), getting nostalgic, and sitting at the shop for over 4 hours and leaving empty-handed (in terms of books :p) but cash rich $$
Loved clicking pics at Nayii Sarak, Chawri Bazar, Chandni Chowk...
One of the numerous galis of Purani Dilli where I'd love getting lost...
Rickshaw after rickshaw ferrying foreigners in front of Jama Masjid...
And the smiles that the happy old ladies flashed me were extra nice :)
We were so tired by evening time that we headed for Addictive at CP... my favorite joint! Nothing like relaxing on those sexy couches, sipping on KF and watching an awesome IPL match! Damn, Rajasthan deserved to win today... hats off to Yusuf Pathan B)
The long long auto ride back to Ghaziabad, the talks about anything and everything, and the beauty of Delhi at night ensured a perfect ending to the day :)
Not to mention hearing about Sweety's clearing the first round of a tough competition... totally proud of her, I am :)
I usually don't like malls, but Pacific Mall @ Anand Vihar is special :)
Got lost while watching the passing streets and the headlights of oncoming traffic...
There was this particular junction where more than 5 roads were converging, and there were some four-wheelers that seemed to be stranded while contemplating which road to take...
And I felt like one of those cars, stuck at a junction in life with no friggin' idea as to which road to take...
Oh well! I'll reserve this crazy idea for a future post which I had typed out 2 years ago :D
In the city of blinding lights... Delhi! :)
Be it the "Jeevan ke safar me raahi..." track playing at Puraani Dilli, or the Hoobastank number, "The reason..." blaring at CP, Delhi has truckloads of such contrasts to offer...
I'm going to miss it all :(
Just got an invite from Chheda for a B2 party... LoL! How much can I party?!
Have a great Sunday, folks!
Labels: 13, addictive, Books, CP, Deja Vu, Delhi, IPL, Nayii sarak, Party, Puraani Dilli, Saturday, Saturday the 13th
Friday, March 12, 2010
Irony, thy name is life!
The title says it all. Period.
I can't even sum up the courage to elaborate it in my context.
Anyway, today I got the most unexpected call of my life, and it promises to change my life.
It was something that was eluding me when I craved for it.
And now, when so many things are going against it, and I was thanking God for it not materializing before, it is now going to become a reality.
Don't know whether to be happy or sad.
Let's see what transpires... *fingers and toes crossed, as always*
Labels: Irony, Life
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Then and now...
01 February, 2008
I had just walked out of my SCMHRD personal interview after delivering an awesome performance at the International Convention Center, SB Road, Pune, when my phone rang. It was Mumma.
She informed me that IMT-G had sent my call letter... My interview was scheduled for the 16th of February, but at Indore :x
I told Mumma that I would not appear for it... who's going to travel to Indore for just a GDPI?!
And I purged it from my thought process... or so I thought.
My mind kept vacillating.
30 March, 2008
While playing Quake3 at a gaming parlor in Koregaon Park, Pune, Rishabh suggested that we check the IMT Ghaziabad results which were supposed to be declared today...
His apprehension and anxiety to check the results were justified: He had almost touched a 98 percentile in CAT, and his GDPI had gone well!
"You're going to IMT Ghaziabad, buddy", I assured him!
I, on the other hand, had no hope for converting my IMT-G call... I had a messed up percentile, a little short of 97, and I had had the worst GDPI experience at the hands of the IMT Nagpur faculty who presided over the IMT-G process at Indore.
They had challenged me to rank colleges like NMIMS, IMT-G, SIBM and IMT Nagpur on a scale of 1 to 4, and I had honestly assigned the last spot to Nagpur. That ended the interview right there... on a very sour note, I must add.
As I said, I had zilch expectations!
Plus I was enjoying my life at Infy and Pune... I had even planned to move in with Manjeet; my visa was stamped and by the year end I'd be off to NJ!
No, even if by sheer misfortune I get a call from IMT-G, I decided that I'll not join the program...
2 minutes later, I got the shock of my life when I discovered a "CONGRATULATIONS!!" message on the results screen... I was being offered a seat in the PGDM - Full Time program at IMT-G!!! :O
I logged off, and logged in again to recheck... maybe some error in the computer's cookies!
BAM again! "IMT-G PGDM - Full Time program" screamed the screen!
And I felt dizzy.
Rishabh who was expecting a convert, and rightly so, didn't get it. But I, the black sheep, did :(
Totally clueless now as to which path to take at this fork in the road of life, I called up my parents...
Talking to them, I realized that I could never let go of IMT-G... it was now or never!
Anyway letting go of things you have in hand is so very difficult...
11 March, 2010
Almost 2 years later, while scribbling crap in the last exam of my MBA life, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering.
What if I hadn't gotten through to IMT-G?
What if I had stuck to my whim and not gone to Indore for the GDPI?
What if I had chosen not to go to IMT-G despite my final selection?
I can tell now for sure that I'd have lost a lot, I'd have not enjoyed some of the best moments of my life, I'd have never met some of the best friends that life offered me, I'd have never felt so young all over again :)
After studying the concept of opportunity cost, I know that the opportunity cost when I opted for this program was high. It still is.
But opportunity cost is a flawed concept. It only measures the earnings from lost opportunities that one has missed out on. How come it never takes into account the learnings that one has gained, the experiences one has garnered, and the life that one has lived instead?!
Intangible things are of little significance in today's materialistic world...
Anyway, what an apt way to end this leg of the journey: It started with lots of conflicts and consequent negotiations 2 years back, and it ended today with an exam on Conflict & Negotiation :)
Life travels full circle, yes it does!
Time now to contemplate the upcoming fork in the road...
Wish me luck, folks!
Party time :D
Labels: Conflict, Fork, IMT, Life, Negotiation, Nostalgia, Opportunity cost
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Food for thought!
Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option :)
Hate these facebook communities for throwing such realistic crap at me :D
3 days down, don't know how many more to go *hic*
Labels: Crap, Random
In the end...
A seemingly long and very painful relationship ended today...
Just like it had been a torturous experience all along, it aptly ended on a sour note.
Oh well! The fault was all mine... I knew right upfront that it seemed too good to work out, but the optimist in me pushed on :(
Despite the lack of any understanding, I dragged on and on in the hope that it'll work out someday... it didn't! Some things are meant to be that way...
In the process of trying to make this work out, I screwed up my life and my grades. Shucks!
No point regretting now... It's over!
All that I can feel now is relief...
Time to move on!
But somehow I get this odd feeling that we'd cross paths again... :|
Labels: Endings, Finance, Relationships
Monday, March 08, 2010
Goodbye blue sky...
Some days are just like that... drab and depressing!
And being a Garfield lover, I'm quick to attribute today's dreariness to it being a Monday!
The day started off with a Rural Marketing paper... ewww! How's that for starters?! :(
Then came an on-off nap session... I must drop this habit of using the alarm clock! All I do is hit the snooze a gazillion times!
The evening as usual was boring... I couldn't concentrate at all on studying despite tomorrow being my last Finance exam of MBA :)
Even the guitar seemed to be sick today... not one chord shift happened smoothly :x
The songs in the playlist seemed slow and somnolent... no wonder I dozed off before dinner!
Dinner as usual was a mess! Yucky!
What I found unbelievable was that even the daily night post-dinner looong walk with Sunita, Rusti and Chandu failed to lift up my spirits...
Thank God that Sunita mentioned the dullness and stillness in the atmosphere - I wasn't alone in my anguish :P
Only cheerful part of the day was the rendezvous with a dear old friend who had come down to college... walking around the green campus in the sunny afternoon, reliving old memories, and that bike ride to Anand Vihar (I have a soft corner for this place for a different reason altogether!) cheered me up!
But the talk about the future, and the probable shift to another city if things don't work out soon, and I'm back to square one :|
Feeling so very sleepy now that I'm just going to jump into bed after solving a couple of important numericals!
Hopefully tomorrow ain't a black Tuesday :P
Labels: Boring, Drab, Dull, Exams, Monday, Sigh
Just wondering what that
Dilemma could've been all about... *Sighs*
Labels: Feelings, Hidden, Thinking
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Around the campus in one day!
How come exam times tend to be the free-est days?!
This time round I'm appearing for the final exams for the final time in my life... hopefully :P
Roamed around the campus today afternoon with a camera in my hand, and clicked pics at every nook and corner of IMT!
I've seen the campus so many times, but today was the first time in 22 months that I had a good look at it :)
It's like this: If you travel around a city on a bike or a car, chances are that you fail to take in the little details of the place... hop aboard a cycle rickshaw and you observe each and everything properly!
So for once, I was in no rush... I took my own time to observe and capture the beauty of the place ♥
Have kept some spots on hold for night photography!
What astounded me was the degree of parallelism on campus... almost as if Stanley Kubrick designed the layout of the campus, just like his parallel universe, and he decided to place sets of things in parallel! B)
A few glimpses:
That beautiful tree outside A-lobby!
One of my favorite spots on campus... The stretch from the amphi to the library

These leaves were once nice and green...

The criss-cross effect!

Lazing around on the lush green lawns of IMT is such a pleasure!

Yet another parallel sequence :)

The stretch between the "Lovers' Lane" and the Acad block ;)
One common sight on campus... Just that you have to have time to capture it :)

The collage for the Farewell... good job, juniors :)

Each bike has got to have a number... Mine is kaidi err bike number 122 :P

IMT - The view from the outside ♥

The room where B1 came into existence... :)

Parallel windows of the library... as seen from the Acad block!

Everything is in parallel... outside Nescafe!

Stepping stones to the classrooms :P

You can never get bored walking down this path ♥

Faces galore! :)
Striking a unique, and crazy pose at the Amphi!
Oh well! There are many more pics... these were just a few samples ;)
Will upload them somewhere else, sometime later...
Had a lovely evening too... prepared for the first of the final exams with an awesome party :P
Damn I never want MBA to end!!!! :)
Anyway hoping that a dear friend rocks in the MICAT exam tomorrow! *fingers and toes crossed*
I'm going to rock in my Retail Marketing exam for sure.. especially with it being an open-book exam and 2 cases studies being expected ;)
Have a great Sabbath day, folks! Bonne nuit!
Labels: Campus, Exams, IMT, Parallel, Party, Photography
Friday, March 05, 2010
It's over... almost!
Everyone's status messages today read "Last lecture", "Last quiz", "Last handout", etc etc etc.
Same for me.
Everything's winding up.
Even a couple of dreams that I cherished for so long vaporized today.
Oh well! I guess it's part and parcel of life.
It's like getting a flat tyre when you're travelling a long distance... you somehow patch it up and move on. A temporary setback that you'd probably forget after covering some miles... also there'd be other breakdowns that'd ensure that mending the flat tyre back there served as a learning experience...
I so thank my Strategy professor for teaching me the importance of thinking of things from the long-term perspective :)
I'm blabbering?! Yeah, I know! :P
Gotta admit that I'm desperately hanging on to a few things that I cherish...
I don't want a full-stop here... never!
On many occasions I have experienced the feeling of the rug being pulled out from under my feet, but this is the first time it is happening in slow motion...
Shucks! Exams are starting and I haven't studied one bit this entire trimester! SOS!
The following are the links to photographs of 2 really memorable evenings that we enjoyed of late:
Farwell Party:
Teachers' Thanksgiving:
Time to say Good night!
Happy weekend! :)
Labels: Endings, Last minute, Setbacks
Thursday, March 04, 2010
All in a day's work :)
I had told a dear friend that if today's day ends, I'd shout out loudly, "Wow! I survived!!!" :D
Not only did I survive, but today was such a memorable day for various reasons! :)
Yesterday ended when it seemed that it would go on forever... at 8 AM today morning!
Glass after glass of drinks, such a lot of dancing, not to mention the emotions - the smiles, the laughs, the tears, the hugs, the frenzy!
Long day ahead... I had to submit the Retail Marketing final project by today 5 PM; also, we had the Teachers' Thanksgiving scheduled from 4 PM to 6 PM; I had my final MHRM (measurement in HRM) project presentation at 6 PM (bang after the Thanksgiving!). Also had to rehearse for the skit (an integral part of the Thanksgiving) at 12 noon!
Yes, long day indeed!
Anyway best thing about today was that it was an Anniversary of sorts! And what a romantic start to the day!
Bon anniversaire, mademoiselle ♥
I got into bed but sleep evaded me!
At 12, Vijay woke me up for the rehearsals... that BP breath refused to let go of me :P
Rehearsals were fine... we're actually going ahead with the skit!!!
Despite the lead character having to back out at the last moment, Ankur was such a sport to fill in at the last moment! Admire him like anything B)
Then came the narrator's backing out... Sanjay sir took up the job, despite having such a lot of compering workload! You rock, sirji!
I multitasked a bit during the rehearsals, and managed to finish up my part of the Retail Marketing project! :D
Back in the room at 2 PM, I tried to study for my 6 PM presentation, and skimmed through some documents!
Before I knew it, it was 3:30 PM!!
Got ready and left for the Teachers' Thanksgiving!
The guys were hard at work there...
As soon as the clock struck 4 PM, the faculty started streaming in, as did many B1ers!!
We had profs who had taught us way back in trimester 1, to profs who're teaching us now, in trimester 6! Even our placements coordinator was present :)
Soon, our Director arrived and we started the show...
I can describe the sequence of events detail-by-detail but that'd take ages... the next 2 hours were the best Teachers' Day experience ever!
The compering was awesome, kudos to Pushkar and Sanjay sir!
The skit was fantabulous... yours truly had the honor of being in the play with some of the finest actors on campus B)
Mughal-e-azam Reloaded was a major success!!!!!!
Sanjay sir's brilliant compering had no comparison ;)
Ankur as Akbar, and Vijay as Birbal stole the show... everyone else did a sexy job!
The mimicry was excellent... the teachers loved watching the avatars of themselves or of their colleagues :P
The tokens of appreciation distribution ceremony came next.
And then each of the professors spoke about us, B1... praised us up, rather! :)
Even the Director spent a long time speaking good words about us :)
Shucks! I got the goosebumps seeing the professors so happy, and talking about B1 so fondly :)
Yep! B1 is a brand!!! ♥
Next up, the sexy power point presentation that Vikas had prepared! Too good B)
Then, after 2.5 hours of awesomeness, we bid a final farewell to our teachers! It was such a neat farewell!
Who knows we might've just started a trend of sorts ;)
The following is a group picture of those who make up Brand B1 (taken just after the successful conclusion of the event):
B1 Rocks!!!
The Thanksgiving function winded up at 6:40... I was 30 minutes late for the MHRM class!!
Made a mad rush for the classroom!
On entering I discovered that my groupies had started the presentation without me... so I joined in!
Ankira informed me that the next section would be mine to speak on... and I went like "Whaaaat?! I haven't even seen the ppt :(
Oh well! The next slide came and I started doling out bullshit... thank God! I can talk on anything and everything B)
So, interspersing my talk with the same sentences in Active and Passive Voice, and quoting examples of Infosys, I finished my job to perfection! LoL! :P
Our group ended the presentation on a high note, and for the first time, the prof asked the class to clap for the good work we had done ;)
Anyway, back to the room now! Totally exhausted!
Visited the rooms of many friends, and collected pics of the Thanksgiving ceremony plus yesterday's farewell party :)
The videos of the play are awesomeeee!! Watched the same time and again with different group of friends....
Yippeee! Now for a freeeeeeee Friday! TGIF!!
Off to sleep now! Will upload pics tomorrow and publish the links :)
In a very very senti mood too!
Labels: B1, Farewells, IMT, Long day, Mughal-e-Azam, Skit, Teacher, Thanksgiving